Tiktok chikn nuggit iscream
Tiktok chikn nuggit iscream

tiktok chikn nuggit iscream

  • Episode 13: Sometimes You Just Gotta Ascend to The Astral Plane (November 6): Chikn and Cheezborger Astral Project together.
  • (Debut of Hawt Saus, Only Appearance of Hawt Saus in 2020)
  • Episode 12: Use Insult Humor Responsibly (November 4): Hawt Saus learns the hard way to not be so insensitive towards Chikn's friends.
  • Episode 11: Surprised/who wants some ice cream? (November 2): Something creepy appears?.
  • Episode 10: Happy Halloween Eve! (October 30): Chikn appropriately dresses up his nugget box for Halloween.
  • oh (October 28): Cheezborger takes off her hat.
  • Episode 8: Iscream Summons a Demon/Demon (October 26): Iscream summons a demon.
  • Episode 7: I Yearn for That Goblin Life/the cutest goblin you'll EVER meet (October 23): Chikn is tired of modern-day life.
  • Episode 6: HEWWO (◉ᴥ◉)/AFFWICTED (October 21): Chee is starting to talk in a weeb voice, she's gonna spwead the curse!.
  • Episode 5: Here's Some Character Intros!! (October 19, 2020): Introduction splash screens for Chikn Nuggit, Cheezborger, and Iscream.
  • (October 18): Chikn really likes this Content Creator, wonder what he's doing now.
  • Episode 3: Biblically Accurate Angels/look up 'biblically accurate angels' for a real fright (October 17): Iscream does their best impression of an angel.
  • Episode 1: Hello World! (◉ᴥ◉) (October 15): Chikn emerges from his nugget box.
  • Slushi ponders on what she’s going to buyĬhikn gives his opinion on spicy chicken nuggets Iscream flirts with the monster under their bed Sometimes You Just Gotta Ascend to The Astral PlaneĬhikn and Chee ascend to The Astral PlaneĬhikn and Chee meet a fox who they find pretty

    tiktok chikn nuggit iscream

    Hawt Saus makes Chee sad with his insult humor (Including Chickn, Chee, and Iscream.)Ĭhee is starting to talk in a Weeb Voice, she's gonna "spwead" the curse!Ĭhikn appropriately dresses up his nugget box for Halloween.Ĭhikn finds something disturbing in his ice cream Introduction splash screens for Chikn Nuggit, Cheezborger, and Iscream.

    tiktok chikn nuggit iscream

    Iscream does its best impression of an angel.Ĭhikn really likes this Content Creator, wonder what he's doing now. Look up 'biblically accurate angels' for a real fright This episode marks the debut of Cheezborger. This episode marks the debut of Chikn Nuggit. Some episode titles have a Slash (/) Symbol between them, to compare the Twitter versions' Titles, and the YouTube versions' titles.They may be updated to the real episode titles at a later date. Emojis have not been included in the episode titles, and Emoji-only titles have unofficial titles instead.The unofficial episode numbers featured on this list were built off and determined from there. "Happy Pride Month!" is confirmed as Episode 100 by the official Twitter account.TikTok links are for when that episode doesn't exist on Twitter, or the when Twitter links are deleted or broken. This list uses the official Twitter account for reference.

    Tiktok chikn nuggit iscream