Mapbox vs maptiler
Mapbox vs maptiler

#Mapbox vs maptiler full#

Read the full text of the memorandum and join the effort: new members are welcomed! Independent JavaScript GL mapping library This summarized the project goals, rough roadmap, community governance details, and communication channels. Members of open-source communities and companies working in the map industry agreed on basic rules, which were formalized into a guiding Memorandum. The name, MapLibre, stands as an abbreviation for Map library restarted (or reinvented), at the same moment the word Libre refers to freedom & independence. It includes people working for MapTiler, Elastic, StadiaMaps, Microsoft, Ceres Imaging, WhereGroup, Jawg, Stamen Design, etc. A video call was organized and the MapLibre coalition was formed. In another positive development, the community came together the next day and agreed to make this a joint effort, rather than splitting energies. The community reacted swiftly: forks of the latest open-source version were made almost immediately by multiple parties. One has to pay even for loading this JavaScript library. However, this time all the new features were overshadowed by a change in the license: previously free as a freedom, it became closed for external contributors and usage was restricted to people with active Mapbox subscriptions. In December 2020, Mapbox released the second version of their JavaScript library for publishing maps online. After Mapbox announced the closure of Mapbox GL JS, their JavaScript library for displaying maps using WebGL, the community made a collective decision to maintain and further develop the last open-source version and build a free alternative.

Mapbox vs maptiler